Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spin Me Right Round

In my quest to create I mentioned my new found love for crocheting (yes, love...despite some of the language I use while actually doing it). I have been knitting since I was little and am quickly finding that I believe I enjoy crocheting even more and am learning it quicker than I ever did knitting. With this discovery I set out to find an online crochet group to match the quilting one I belong to and love.

First of all, I couldn't find one I liked. Most of the groups I found had little to no activity since 2008, not good for answering questions. Soon I became sidetracked on my quest. It seemed that almost every group I looked at mentioned that it welcomed crochet fanatics, knitters and spinners. Spinners? Really *said in the voice of Ace Ventura*. And my crafting world exploded.

In the course of a few hours I went from first entertaining the notion of possibly trying to make my own yarn to purchasing a beginners drop spindle kit. I somehow came to the conclusion that it was fate when the shop I bought it from was in Maine ( I tell myself that my possible new addiction to spinning fibers (you can't imagine the colors!!!) is okay because if I decide to continue to make my own yarn it will offset the amount of yarn I actually purchase. In theory. But then again Communism works in theory. Don't judge me.