Friday, January 15, 2010

Crafting Addiction #113 - TAKE ONE!

I'm screwed. I have found that I LOVE spinning. It's relaxing and it's fun and it's COLORFUL! I ended up getting quite impatient while waiting for my drop spindle to arrive, so I made myself 4 instead. I also went to the local yarn shop (Spinning Yarns) and purchased some beautiful, amazing, soft purple roving to spin. And spin I did. And after getting some quite chunky areas I am starting to even things out. WOOT! For me :-) I am not anywhere near done my 4 oz of roving (and you have no idea how much 4 oz of wool's A LOT of wool). But so far this is what I have:

Like I said's a bit uneven (yes..a BIT)...but it's soft and wonderful too! And when I make something with it (that will undoubtedly be lopsided), it will be wonderfully awesome too!

Now for the 'screwed' part. That whole theory of me not buying so much yarn because I'm spinning? Remember that? Uh....well..... turns out I actually buy more. Yeah, I know. Shush. But how I can NOT! I recently became a member of and that's been my downfall. There are so many projects that are beautiful and fun and silly and useful and pointless! *sigh* But look what I made! It's officially my very first FINISHED crocheted project! Ready?

Yep! It's a Golden Snitch! And happily I have a son who loves Harry Potter as much as I do, so I can get away with this without the weird looks from other adults! Unless they know me all, really.