As I continue on my quest to shun major clothing stores (because I am Supermom! and can make my own damnable clothing!), I have jumped yet another hurtle! SHOES! Sure, I still have to buy Gaven's shoes because he's all walking and stuff, but Syrus isn't! I did my first attempt at shoes with the outfit in a previous post....they are now my favorite thing to make :-)
As you can see from my previous "Sing Along with Ozzy" post, I am already raising one Mini-Metalhead. Well, thanks to a free online pattern, scraps of polar fleece from making Gaven some pants, and scraps of fabric from the quilt I made Nic for Christmas/Yule, I give you the finished product:
I plan on making many more pairs! He also has some plain black ones and some plain Navy Blue ones....but these are my favorite :-) Here are the black black ones on little baby feet:

Finding baby shoes/booties that actually stay on baby's feet is almost impossible!! Every store bought pair that we've ever gotten EVER fall off, just like socks. How are your little shoes with staying on?? They're sure cute!! You ARE super mom.
Tee hee. Nicholas never wore a single pair of shoes until he started walking!
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