As I continue on my quest to shun major clothing stores (because I am Supermom! and can make my own damnable clothing!), I have jumped yet another hurtle! SHOES! Sure, I still have to buy Gaven's shoes because he's all walking and stuff, but Syrus isn't! I did my first attempt at shoes with the outfit in a previous post....they are now my favorite thing to make :-)
As you can see from my previous "Sing Along with Ozzy" post, I am already raising one Mini-Metalhead. Well, thanks to a free online pattern, scraps of polar fleece from making Gaven some pants, and scraps of fabric from the quilt I made Nic for Christmas/Yule, I give you the finished product:
I plan on making many more pairs! He also has some plain black ones and some plain Navy Blue ones....but these are my favorite :-) Here are the black black ones on little baby feet:

The possiblities are endless now! And if you're a friend of mine with a small child...they will be recieving them too! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem*