My life is all sorts of crazy (which anyone who knows me at all realises already). At the moment, there is a giveaway featuring one of my Blackberry Sage candles on blogspot! So go here: and try to get it :-)
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Herb Gypsy Boutique
Posted by Needs Coffee To Live at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I Wants It....I Wants It SOOOOOO Bad!
Anyone who knows me well also is quite aware that when it comes to spending money....I hate it. And when I do spend it, it's RARELY on myself. Even when I buy fabrics it's generally to make things for others. This does not mean that I don't have a huge list of things that I want... oh, I do....but it does mean that I don't get them because I feel guilty spending money.
Now bring in life issue #2. I have 5 more pounds of baby weight to lose. If I actually tried I could do it in a relatively short amount of time. But, to be honest, I haven't given it more than a half assed approach.
My solution to both issues? I lose my 5 pounds I get to buy myself something that's on my 'want list'. I even have it picked out already! Yeppers! An awesome woman ( I met through this whole blogging thing makes these awesome, smile-inducing recipe boxes and recipe cards with her other half! Go look at them!!! (and follow her blog, she does give aways every Monday from other crafters who make awesome handmade thing!)
I wants the raven's become my very own precious (oops, my inner dork leaked out).
So it's back to bellydancing with me! I went Monday night and did drills hardcore. It felt SOOOOO good! And now Sabrina (my teacher) wants me to perform in October! WOOT! This is my mission. I have chosen to accept it. Damn, now I just want something to self destruct!
Posted by Needs Coffee To Live at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My Brain is Leaking.....
At the presant moment, my brain is going in about 12 directions at once. This happens FAR more often than I would like, but alas, such is my life. So, to clear my brain a bit, I am sharing my disorganized thoughts with the guys at least.
-The longer I live with my beagle, and the more I hear about other people's beagles, the more I think the entire breed in braindead. Therefore, it really shouldn't mystify me when my dog pees in her crate, and instead of drinking the nice clean water in there with her....she drinks her own pee.
-Uh...if you ever come to my house, you probably shouldn't let the dog lick you. The whole saying that "dog's mouths are cleaner than humans" does not, in ANY WAY, apply to my dog.
-I have recently become completely and possibly irrivocably what? Making baby shoes and PJ pants. The flannel just comes in so many colors that my mind overloads at the fabric store and I just end up buying everything.
-There's a ghost in my house. She's a little girl. I'm starting to think she's more annoying than my 3 year old. And she apparently hates the show Ghosthunters......go figure.
-Nic got rid of his mohawk....*tear*
-How is it that my 3 month old already thinks that farts are funny? He farts, then he laughs. It's the cutest, stinkiest thing ever. See, this picture was taken while I was holding my nose:
-Calling Syrus "Mr. Stinkypants", apparently motivated my son to call the cashier in Wal-Mart the same. Lucky for me, he liked kids. :-)
That's about it for now. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but my brain is fried.....damn, I could really go for some fried ice cream.....
Posted by Needs Coffee To Live at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: random
Monday, March 9, 2009
NO MAMA! I can do it!
I am such a proud Mommy today! Gaven invented 2 things this month (not bad for a 3 year old lol!). He invented a new drink for Mommy made from cranapple juice, pineapple juice, orange juice and gingerale. This came about by asking me to mix togeather things in the fridge (he loves helping me cook).
Well, from there he decided that he wanted to put the same juice into the popsicle molds we have :-) He poured all the juices togeater into a big pyrex measuring cup, mixed them himself, and even poured them into the molds by himself (my kitchen floor and counter top can attest to that lol!). Then he put the sticks in and carried it to the freezer.
Later that day we had.....
Oh yeah... that is one Proud Gaven!
Posted by Needs Coffee To Live at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Awesomeness With Fabric Scraps
As I continue on my quest to shun major clothing stores (because I am Supermom! and can make my own damnable clothing!), I have jumped yet another hurtle! SHOES! Sure, I still have to buy Gaven's shoes because he's all walking and stuff, but Syrus isn't! I did my first attempt at shoes with the outfit in a previous post....they are now my favorite thing to make :-)
Posted by Needs Coffee To Live at 8:28 AM 2 comments